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Music Healing | Voice 1.4
Screen Shots:
Get Some Sleep
- Hundreds of Thousands of iPhone users have relaxed to music from The Music Healing App series. Now, enjoy a Brand New Collection of Music + Vocal Performances and Hi Resolution Beautiful imagery for your relaxation and enjoyment on your beautiful new iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch!
As soon as you open Music Healing | Voice, relaxing music and imagery begins.
Featured Artist/Vocal: Cekoya Burch
- No other senses, have the impact of sound. What you hear can change your life. The way you sleep, wake up and think. Change what you listen to and notice a change in everything else.
"Research has shown that music has a profound effect on your body and psyche."
Use Music Healing when you are in stressful and intense situations or just need to relax and get away.
* Features Tons of soothing Musical Pieces
* Beautiful Imagery that Fades in and out for a Visual Escape.
* A Sleep Timer Fades Music after the time of Your choice.
* This App Has to be Seen and Heard in action so buy Now and enjoy!
* XME Has Written and Produced for
⁃ India.Arie
⁃ "There's Hope"
⁃ "Private Party"
⁃ "Just For Today"
⁃ "She Is" (Film-score for "Iron Ladies")
⁃ "Grains"
⁃ Anthony David
⁃ "Words" (Nominated for a Grammy)
⁃ Cekoya - From BET's Sunday Best
⁃ "You"
⁃ "It's Me"
⁃ "I" feat. Matthew Johnson
⁃and Now "Music Healing" software exclusively for you